What is the instructor development training like?
The focus of the IDC is to develop good teaching techniques and practices. In addition to learning how to effectively use the PADI system of education.
Teaching open water diver skills in the instructor development course
The course starts with a day in the classroom focusing on the design of the PADI system and how to use it in a flexible manner to give your students the best possible training.
You will do a dive theory written exam fairly early in the course. Around day 3 usually, to see what level you are at while we still have time remediate any issues you may have in that area.
More people fail the written exams at the Instructor Exam, than any other section. If you are worried about this aspect of the course you are in good company! We cannot emphasise enough the importance of taking this section seriously. If you were not a maths and science wiz kid at school, you need to do your IDC with a course director who will make this part simple for you. Course director Will, has demonstrated over the years, excellence in teaching dive theory effectively. Check out his Youtube Channel and Dive Theory section. If you like the way he teaches these concepts. Our IDC is for you!
You will teach at least four confined water skill presentations and play the role of a student when the other instructor candidates are teaching theirs.
You will teach at least four open water skill presentations and play the role of a student when the other instructor candidates are teaching theirs.
You will teach three classroom presentations.
You will develop your rescue skills to demonstration quality level.
There are also a number of classroom sessions discussing the various PADI courses you will be qualified to teach as well as marketing and business related issues.