The PADI Instructor Exam Standands Exam


The PADI Instructor Development Course, IDC, involves getting to know your paid instructor manual and padi’s guide to teaching amongst other things.

At the instructor exam, you will have an hour and a half to answer 50 multiple-choice questions taken from these materials. It is an open-book exam. nowadays most people choose to use the PDF versions of the ‘instructor manual’ and ‘guide to teaching’ the beauty of the PDF version is that you can use the ‘search function’ although becoming overly reliant on that is not a good idea. being familiar with the content, layout and organization of these 2 materials is essential to success and becoming a PADI Scuba Instructor. Below you will find 20 example questions to give you an idea of what to expect. obviously, you will not be able to do this quiz if you have not purchased the appropriate PADI materials to use as a reference. Once you have answered all the questions and clicked submit you will be able to review the questions and answers by scrolling back up on the page and clicking the “view accuracy” button. Have fun……

Once you have finished the quiz and clicked submit scroll back up on this page to find the view score button and see how you did.