Quick Quiz 3 Density
1. What is the difference in the density of the air a diver breathes at 26m compared to 62m?
a. Twice as dense
b. 1/2 as dense
c. Three times as dense
d. Four times as dense
2. How does the density of the air a diver breathes at a depth of 16m compare to the density of the air they breathe at a depth of 68m?
a. 1/2 as dense
b. Twice as dense
c. 3 Times as dense
d. 1/3 of the density
3. At a depth of 8m approximately what is the difference in the density of the air a diver breathes compared to 62m?
a. 1/3 of the density
b. 1/2 of the density
c. 1/4 of the density
d. 4 times as dense
4. The air a diver breathes at 56m is _______ as dense as the air a diver breathes at 12m?
a. Twice
b. 1/2
c. 3 Times
d. 4 Times
5. The pressure at 24m is ________ as it is at 41m?
a. 1.5 times as much
b. 2/3 as much
c. Twice as much
d. 1/2 as much